Communication for Development (C4D) is defined by UNICEF as the strategic use of communication, research, and participatory community engagement to promote positive and measurable behavior and social change. C4D is an evidence-based process that utilizes a mix of communication tools, channels, and approaches to facilitate participation and engagement with children, families, communities, and networks for positive social and behavior change in both development and humanitarian contexts. It draws on learnings and concepts from the social, behavioral and communication sciences.
Breaking the definition-
1. C4D is an evidence and theory-based process- The planning, intervention and monitoring is based on evidence. UNICEF uses the Socio-ecological model to understand the problem and design intervention.
2. C4D is the strategic use of communication- Strategic communication is planned communication with a strategic, intentional goal. Being strategic means thinking in terms of executing a stakeholder analysis, a risk analysis, a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, setting objectives, identifying target audiences, developing key messages, and designing an effective communication plan.
3. C4D programmes are targeted to change a particular social behaviour- For example spreading the habit of breastfeeding, increasing enrolment amongst the girl child etc.
4. Utilizes a mix of communication tools and engages multiple stakeholders- Group, interpersonal and mass communication tools. Engages children, families, government, CSOs. In many cases, behavior and social change is best achieved by using a combination of multiple platforms.
5. Seeks participation- Horizontal communication to seek individual, group and community participation.
6. Positive social and behavior change- The aim is to bring positive measurable change through intervention.
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